
🚧 This page is a WIP.


Gamba accounts are tied to your Solana address and are universal across different frontends.

This means that if you are playing Coin flip on one site, you will be using the same one when you go to a different game on another website.


Here are the statuses a Gamba account can have

Program statusUI LabelDescription
playingReadyThe account is active and the user can make bets and claim money
seedRequestedInitializing AccountThe user was just created and needs a hashed seed to start playing
hashedSeedRequestedGenerating ResultsThe user has made a bet and needs the unhashed seed from the previous bet, as well as a new hashed seed for the next bet

😱 Help! My account is stuck

If your account has a status other than "Ready" for a long period of time, try these steps:

1. Refresh

In some cases the websocket connection can be lost, meaning you will have to manually fetch the state. You can try this by clicking the refresh button in the Account Modal.

If the issue is still there you can try refreshing the webpage completely.

2. Wait

In some rare cases the Solana network can be slow. You can check the status of the network here (opens in a new tab).

If the Solana network is indeed congested, It is better to wait for it to stabilize, as closing and opening your account will probably just put you in the same situation.

3. Close your account

If you have waited a few minutes and the Solana network is in a good state, you should close your Gamba account. This can be done in the Gamba modal:

The funds in your account will be sent to your wallet after closing the account. If you have a bonus balance however, please let us know in the Gamba Discord (opens in a new tab) so we can compensate you for this, as this balance will not reappear after closing.

We also appreciate you notifying us about an error like this so we can investigate the issue.